Have decided to resume posting regularly. No longer depressed (so no sad songs). No longer bored (so no irritating 2 liners trying to sound cheeky). This time its for sure. Am planning to so a couple of series of posts on some of my favorite themes (mythology, LOTR, Improving Indian sports etc. Will try to keep the boring quotient to the minimum.
Life's been moving along well. Excitement about work varies between the 'I love what i am doing' and the 'WTF' days. But overall its fun. Have started learning how to dance. After the first 15 mins of sheer agony (where they make you stretch;which makes every muscle in my body is in excruciating pain) its quite fun.
Social calender is looking sufficiently engaged with marriages, engagements and outings. So will try uploading pictures also (not mine of course...the beautiful surroundings).
Plan to watch a movie a week for 52 weeks in 2007 is slightly off track. Mainly due to lack of good movies and the rains in Mumbai. But am just 3 movies behind the schedule and am hoping to make up for it in the coming few weeks (assuming the quality of movies released is at least average). Till now havent really seen any really good movie which stands apart from the rest of the mediocre offerings. But in hindi "Life in a Metro' was well worth the 150 bucks spent on it and in english there were quite a few ones i enjoyed but 'Blood Diamond' stood heads and shoulders above the rest.
Plan to finish the following in the next one month:
1. Join Salsa Classes
2. Form Quiz Club in Office
3. Take a weekend off for Trekking
4. Start doing yoga again (flab around the tummy needs to be tucked in)
5. Finish reading Sacred Games.
Thats all for now. Comments welcome. Better quality and frequency of posts promised. Tata.