Monday, July 02, 2007

The Family

The Rich One (also known as 'The Chosen One') and the Wise One hated each other at first sight. But slowly began a friendship which laid the foundations of 'The Family'. Over endless sessions of drinking, smoking up, watching movies and organizing events the family grew into a close knit bunch of individuals.

As it is with any other organization the family soon developed its unofficial hierarchy. Both the founders adopted kids who would inherit their legacy. The Wise one chose a couple to inherit his events and political connections while the Rich One selected his successors to inherit his legacy of technological excellence. The family was supposedly ruled by the council consisting of the Rich and the Wise ones ably supported by experienced people both inside and outside the family. Soon the family extended its reach to encompass all social and political barriers. Members or people recruited by them influenced every sphere of life and strived hard to make a difference. Right from professors to peons to Hitmen to politicians, they all patronized the family.

As time passed the family structure changed to fit into the new social fabric. Women were also made a part of the family. Primary qualifications required were knowledge of geography (country capitals most importantly) and respect for age old family traditions. The family of course protected its female clan and saw to it that each and every person irritating them was followed by threatening calls, abuses and physical harassment (in each and every form).

As human nature changed so did the women in the family, many came, many left but one decided to stay back. The Chosen One had finally chosen someone. However like Karan Johar once said, every happy event is followed by a tragic one, the Chosen one had to leave the shores of the country to pursue greater goals. The Family was going international. Reluctantly the Wise One accepted the great burden of leading the family and keeping it together.

As time passed the younglings migrated in search of love and riches, many members passed the seas, the rivers and the creeks to find their place under the sun. Through a combination of Birthday celebrations, Drinking Sessions and Movie screenings the Wise One kept the family together and ensured that the ties of loyalty which bound them to each other were never broken.

He believed that the family which drank together always stayed together. In his zeal to keep traditions alive a family slogan was coined, so that every family member was proud of it and associated himself / herself with the great family legacy. “Jis Toofan Mein Dushman ke hosh ud jaate hain, us toofan mein hum chaadi sukhate hain” (courtesy: Great Bong) is the war cry the family members roar before they plunge themselves into battle.

Seven years after the founders sat around the council table with holy spirits and smoke, another member of the family prepares to take the long journey across the seven seas to meet the chosen one. The first woman to join the family will now play a greater role in shaping the future of the family in the international landscape. With the family core migrating and the younglings still hunting for their place under the sun its finally time for the family to reinvent itself and unveil its new and more powerful avatar.

Looking back at the splendour and glory which the family enjoyed, the Wise one wishes each and every member of the family every success. Of course the family still lives on. Its only a matter of time before we unveil version 2.0 in typical corleonisque fashion. Till then the wise one signs off with a small verse which the family younglings grew up listening to.

Another turning point
A fork stuck in the road
Time grabs you by the wrist
Directs you where to go
So make the best of this test
And don’t ask why
It’s not a question
But a lesson learned in time
For what it’s worth
It was worth all the while
It’s something unpredictable
But in the end is right
I hope you had the time of your life


thechosen1 said...

This family is certainly climbing the socio economic ladder of success and to think it all started in BVCOE. I think we owe a lot of our closeness to the abomination that was Bharti . Someday soon the round table will be filled again.

Unknown said...

Well, the family has slowly spread its wings. Though the older generation is moving to the international shores, the new generation is getting down to grass root level, and spreading its wings to towns and villages across the country. And yes, someday all, shall be brought together. An event in itself!!!

thechosen1 said...

man i got leftovers when children were chosen. I demand a re-count. you can have one of the two prodigal sons , not both.

Unknown said...

@thechosen1: Would ve gladly given up one of my kids had u asked earlier...but too are too far off to make any significant impact on their lives.
And you choose the nikamma sons...

Jugband Blues said...

And I, infinitesimal being,
drunk with the great starry void,
likeness, image of mystery,
I felt myself a pure part of the abyss.

Nicely written. Although you really haven't done justice to the colourful characters of the women of the family.

Must we bad mouth the way lay sons in a public forum ?!

Also, what are the parameters for deciding who is a prodigal son ?